Published Jun 4, 2023
Quentin Reddish is a Hokie!
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Tim Sullivan  •  HokieHaven

Commitment No. 7 is in! Virginia Tech has picked up a pledge from North Carolina safety Quentin Reddish.

The product of Charlotte (N.C.) Independence is the second defensive back in the class.

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The 6-3, 185-pounder is a three-star ranked the No. 26 rising senior in the Tar Heel State. His other finalists were NC State (to which he recently canceled an official visit planned for a couple weeks from now), Miami (Fla.), and Wake Forest.

He made 76 total tackles and five interceptions (and broke up 15 more passes) as a junior for a Charlotte Independence program that is one of the state's strongest. He joins Joshua Clarkes as future defensive backs in Orange and Maroon for the 2024 class. His commitment bumps the Hokies' class back up to No. 34 nationally after action over the past week had dropped them a few places.

• See the Virginia Tech recruiting class and Team Recruiting Rankings with Reddish in the fold.
• What made VT the right choice? A program on the rise and a town he finds himself fitting into.
• See his thoughts on the Hokies (and his other finalists) in this recent interview.
• What will he bring on the field? Find out with a look at Reddish's junior highlight reel.
• Chat about his commitment and all things Hokies and recruiting on our premium message board, The Gobbler.

Stay tuned for much more to come on Reddish's commitment!


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Scores / Schedule
6 - 7
Overall Record
4 - 4
Conference Record
2024 schedule not available.