Published Oct 31, 2023
New Virginia Tech football offer: Will Conroy
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Tim Sullivan  â€¢  HokieHaven

Virginia Tech has offered Cleveland (Ohio) St. Ignatius 2026 offensive lineman Will Conroy. Here's a quick look at him.


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The latest

Conroy has taken a handful of college visits this Fall, seeing Kentucky, Michigan State, and Ohio State (most-recent to least). Coming from a traditional powerhouse like St. Ignatius, he'll certainly get plenty of looks from programs coast-to-coast, and that's already happening with Pac-12 (RIP) and Big 12 options on board. The question with many players from the Buckeye State is if OSU gets on board. If so, it's hard to see anyone beating the home-state powerhouse. VT will want to get Conroy to campus to build those bonds before that happens (if it ultimately does). If he can make the final home game in Blacksburg - may depend on his high school team's advancement in the state playoffs - look for the VT staff to push hard to make that happen.


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Game breakdown

He plays both right tackle and right guard, but his body type (pending further growth, of course) probably translates best to the interior. Conroy doesn't show a lot of natural flexibility in his stance - he's a waist-bender and even on run plays looks like he's got that high chest to drop into a pass set - but when he actually fires forward and engages with a defensive lineman, he shows a really good understanding of striking with leverage, and driving the opponent backward and up while getting under the pads. His footwork can be a little awkward (he takes a drop-step backward before firing forward at times, a major no-no, and he brings his inside foot deeper than the outside one in his pass drop, again not great technique), but he keeps his legs driving when he initiates contact. His natural strength and athleticism will only serve to make him an outstanding offensive lineman as he matures physically and hones his technique, as is typical for high-ceiling sophomores.


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Scores / Schedule
6 - 7
Overall Record
4 - 4
Conference Record
2024 schedule not available.