Published Mar 2, 2023
New Virginia Tech football offer: Quentin Reddish
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Tim Sullivan  •  HokieHaven

Virginia Tech has offered Charlotte (N.C.) Independence 2024 safety Quentin Reddish. Here's a quick look at him.

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Other offers

Duke, Missouri, North Carolina State, Virginia, Wake Forest, West Virginia, Appalachian State, Charlotte, Connecticut, East Carolina, James Madison, Liberty, Middle Tennessee State, Old Dominion, Howard, Rhode Island

The latest

Reddish's offer is new, but his contact with the Hokies is not: he had already been planning to make a trip to Blacksburg for a spring practice even before the offer came through. He has a handful of other ACC offers (and from the SEC's Missouri), but the Hokies' strength in the Charlotte area and their - hopeful - ascendancy on the gridiron make for an enticing package. The coaching staff's vigor in pursuing him will play a major role in just how interested he proves to be, because they're getting into the mix at the right time, and should be impressing him in-person soon.


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Scores / Schedule
6 - 7
Overall Record
4 - 4
Conference Record
2024 schedule not available.