football Edit

Transcript: Josh Jackson

The Hokies' starting quarterback met with the media after the first day of bowl preparations. Read his quotes here.

Have you taken a look at Oklahoma State defensively yet, what jumps out to you?

“I think they have a decent amount of looks. They may do a little more odd front against us, at least that’s what I’ve been told. They mix it up and they have a good defense.”

You guys talk a lot about complimentary football, does their offense put pressure on you in complimentary football sense?

“I think we know that we have to put up some points. Mason Rudolph is one of the best quarterbacks in the country obviously and I think he has the best receiver. He won the Biletnikoff Award. Definitely, we’re going to have to put up some points against this team.”

It’s been two weeks since you have played a football game, what does it to your body to be able to rest up?

“I feel a lot better than I did two weeks ago. We do conditioning, workouts and stuff like that but I definitely feel a lot better.”

Do you feel like you needed that?

“Yes. I had a lot of little injuries you could say.”

What was the biggest thing?

“Don’t worry about that, just some things.”

What would a 10-win season mean to you as your first year as a starter?

“Obviously its very big, not much for me but for the seniors. Back-to-back ten-win season would be very big. I think that’s our main goal right now as a team.”

Coming out of the Virginia game what are your concerns offensively?

“We didn’t really talk to much about the game since coaches literally leave that night. From that just being better on first and third downs which has been a focus for us all season. Continue to work on that which we do in practice so pretty much just get better at that.”

What are your thought on Travon McMillian not only transferring but deciding to not play in the bowl game?

“You have to do what’s best for you so I can’t oppose to it. Hopefully he goes to a great spot and has a great final year. He’s a great athlete and he’s a great running back so I can’t say anything more about him.”

Did the timing of his decision surprise you?

“I don’t know how all of that stuff works out so I guess it’s best for him to make that decision.”

What does him leaving take away from you guys?

“He’s just a great player. Like you said he’s great out of the backfield catching and he’s also very good pass blocker. I don’t think people credit him as much for that but on third down you usually see him in their pass blocking. He’s a great running back and I’m sure he’ll do great wherever he goes.”

The offensive has looked as good as it’s ever been, have you noticed the improvement of the offensive line in the second half of the season?

“Maybe the left side took a little bit dip when Yosuah (Nijman) was out for a little bit but I think now they’ve kind of got into a grove. I noticed Virginia week we rotated D’Andre (Plantin) and Parker (Osterloh) so I think that was good to keep them fresh maybe. I think they’ve been doing a lot better especially Virginia week when we ran the ball very well.”

How did D’Andre Plantin hold up on the left side?

“He was pretty good. I’m real close with D’Andre so I know if he got beat he would hold somebody or something. I think he did a good job.”

What has Wyatt Teller been like a teammate and as a leader?

“I think he’s definitely big leader on the team and obviously one of the best linemen in the country. Just to know I have that protection on the left side is very nice. He’s a great leader and a great friend of mine.”

When we (the media) used to talk to him, he’d tell crazy stories. Is he still like that?

“He’s the same guy, he’s something else.”

Do you feel confident about the season that you have had and your position heading into the offseason?

“We’re 9-3 right now. I think I have taken care of the ball and I’ve had some weird picks this season that I usually don’t happen to me, but they’ve happened. I think I’ve taken care of the ball. I think I have put the team in a position to win. I think I’ve done what they have asked me to do. If they want me to compete again I’m fine with that and If not and it’s my job that’s cool but I’m just focused on beating Oklahoma State.”

What kind of feedback do Coach Fuente and Coach Cornelsen give you and are they happy with how everything is going?

“Yeah I think so. I’m pretty sure they would tell me if there was something.”

What does it mean for you to play in a bowl game after traveling to them with your father?

“It’s pretty cool. I’m pretty sure that I’ve been to a bowl game in Orlando. I think it was the Capital One Bowl with Michigan against Florida in 2009. It’s a lot of fun. I remember it as always being my Christmas break but now actually being able to play in it is going to be pretty cool. Have some fun but definitely be focused on the work. Should be a lot of fun.”
