Published Jan 27, 2024
New Virginia Tech football offer: Malik Clark
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Tim Sullivan  •  HokieHaven

Virginia Tech has offered Rock Hill (S.C.) 2025 wide receiver Malik Clark. Here's a quick look at him.


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The latest

Clark visited for the season opener, long before he held a VT offer, so there's some long-standing interest from his end. With South Carolina native and area recruiting ace Derek Jones on his trail, there are some pretty solid bonds already being built. Clark has shown a willingness to visit all interested programs (he'll be at Duke today), so now that the Orange and Maroon on are on the board, it's likely he'll return to Blacksburg to get another look at campus through a new lens. Going forward, the Hokies' level of pursuit and ability to sell him on the direction of the program will be the key factors.


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Game breakdown

Clark is able to be very sudden in his movements, whether the first couple steps of a sprint or moving laterally without having to gear down and then back up. He also has decent top-end speed (that feels faster because of how quickly he gets there - while the opponent is still accelerating, he's gotten to top gear). His double-moves downfield can see some wasted motion that he'll want to clean up, but at the high school level, they combine with that quickness to get him wide open. He's a hands-catcher when he has space, and secures the ball before contact comes - it's unclear at this stage how he'll catch a pass in traffic because he does a good job avoiding it. He's able to see openings in the secondary with the ball in his hands, and cut to get through them. There are a lot of tools to like that he can adapt when he goes against higher-caliber competition.


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