Published Oct 21, 2023
New Virginia Tech football offer: Kevin Peay
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Tim Sullivan  •  HokieHaven

Virginia Tech has offered Lancaster (S.C.) 2025 offensive lineman Kevin Peay. Here's a quick look at him.


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Other offers

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The latest

Peay visited for the Hokies' win against Pittsburgh, and he has developed some early relationships with both area recruiter Pierson Prioleau (who was in the school yesterday prior to the offer) and position recruiter Ron Crook. For a player with film as good as his, he has surprisingly few offers at this stage, so VT getting into the mix should allow them to beat - or as is often the case, create - a major wave and stick in his mind for the long haul. VT has recruited well on both sides of the state line in the Charlotte suburbs, and keeping up the heat should mean they're a major factor until the end.


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Game breakdown

Peay has a tall, lean build that he should be able to add plenty of mass to and become a 330-plus pounder with some ease. Though he's already added some mass to it, he has the footwork of a much lighter man, able to move laterally and forward while remaining light on his feet. He needs to improve his flexibility if he wants to play with great leverage at the next level - he's a pretty regular waist-bender who relies on his natural size and strength to knock defenders off their balance, rather than working to bend the knees, get low, and dominate a rep. As he gets into his pass set, he can keep his hands by his sides, rather than in position to punch, which means he's grabbing the outside of shoulder pads at times (and in college, that gets you called for holding), but once engaged with a defender, he has quick hands to work inside.


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