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New Virginia Tech basketball offer: Kareem Stagg

Virginia Tech has offered Chesapeake (Va.) Oscar Smith 2025 forward Kareem Stagg. Here's a quick look at him.


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The latest

While the 757 has traditionally been more of a pipeline for the Hokies on the gridiron than on the hardcourt, the big picture is that it's an in-state area that generally has strong positive views of the Orange and Maroon. With VT in the door relatively early here, the Hokies should be able to cement their status as a favorite (and the first major-conference program) in the mix, and control their own destiny going forward.


Game breakdown

Stagg is a wide-bodied forward who can control the paint (particularly on defense and on the glass, where his boxing out can be a major factor). However, he's more than that, too. He can handle the ball a bit, and shows a smooth shooting stroke that could make him a bit more of a stretch-four in the long run, even if his post game has the potential to be more of a true center. As his physique continues to mature, he could either bulk up even more, or start to lean out and become an all-courter.


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